Comprehensive Privacy Protection Agreement for "Happy Tangle 3D" Game and Its Related Services Data Collection In the world of "Happy Tangle 3D", the protection of your privacy and digital footprint is our paramount responsibility. We employ advanced technological means, such as cookies, web beacons, and unique device identifiers, allowing us to anonymously identify and optimize the devices or computers used to access our services. In order to better serve our users, we collect some basic data from your device, such as device ID, operating system used, and IP address. It is important to note, however, that this data collection is solely for technological optimization purposes and is not directly linked to your personal browsing habits or activity records. Child Protection We expressly emphasize the importance of protecting children's information. We do not proactively collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we discover that information from users in this age group has been collected inadvertently, we strongly urge guardians to contact us immediately, so we can promptly inform the parents involved and take necessary steps to thoroughly delete the relevant information. Data Sharing In terms of information sharing, we boldly promise not to disclose your personal information to any external entity without your explicit authorization. Even when it is unavoidable to share certain anonymized data with analytics companies with whom we must cooperate (such as IP addresses or device IDs), such data sharing is strictly for analyzing the use of "Happy Tangle 3D" services and will not be shared with any third party or used for specific analyses of individual users. Data Security To ensure the security of your personal data, we implement security measures that meet industry standards to deter unauthorized access or leakage. We use encryption technology in the transmission of data, although it's important for you to understand and accept that complete network security is a continuous effort and not a one-time guarantee. Privacy Updates Our privacy policy is dynamic and will be updated or amended according to business progression and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. For any significant changes, we will update the “last modified date” in the privacy terms and, in some cases, directly seek your clear consent, especially in situations involving substantial changes to the use or sharing of new personal information. We warmly welcome any questions or concerns you might have about our privacy policy, and promise to spare no effort in protecting user privacy. Your trust is of utmost importance to us, and we pledge to do our best to clearly explain and address all your concerns. contact us at